Friday, 8 July 2011

A day with the stars

Today we returned to Mme Tussaud museum, having booked tickets this time.

And we had lots of fun!
We met Leonardo

John Travolta

Mr Nespresso (george)
Elle mc pherson
This one you know
a fairy
Jeanne had breakfast at tiffany's
Lewis Hamilton
oops cheeky Jeanne
Statue of liberty?
The queen wanted to meet Jeanne for a long time!

Then Jeanne decided she wanted a horrible hand.
and met Michael
And Jeanned helped Hilter
but Hulk arrived
Finally we went to see a 4D movie and it was great
After that we went to eat a pizza and took the train home.

1 comment:

  1. La reine a bien de la chance d'avoir pu recontrer ma fille !
    Vous êtes très élégantes, avec ces lunettes. C'est le dernier chic londonien ?
    Bisous !
